New World Order

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

G-20 meeting in Bharat advocates a "New rule-based welfare world order, एक पृथ्वी - एक परिवार - एक भविष्य i.e. One Earth - One Family- one Future,  वसुधैव कुटुम्ब्कम i.e. one family on this planet, सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः happiness and prosperity to all and धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः  Dharma protects those who protect Dharma. 

G 20 Meeting in Delhi

Special photos and Videos of G20

The inclusion of @_AfricanUnion in the G20 underscores its pivotal role in global progress. We stand ready to further collaborate and boost our shared aspirations. We will keep working closely for global well-being. Africa’s permanent membership of the #G20, means it has been recognised as a key player on the world economic landscape. #African countries must now leverage this position to accelerate development of their economies & their young populations. #Congratulations @_AfricanUnion. 

Unipolar World 

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु Lakshmi रूपेण संस्थिता।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

"Please note that People Without Borders is NOT the organization supporting the Caravans of Central American migrants. Some news agencies have translated Pueblo Sin Fronteras to “people without borders” but that group is not the same as People Without Borders. People Without Borders is NOT associated in any form or manner with Pueblo Sin Fronteras or their activities.

People Without Borders is a non-profit, Christian-based organization committed to serving immigrants and international residents of the Washington, DC Metro Area. We provide a support network and an extensive package of services which equip and empower individuals to adjust to their new life and become contributing members of the community."

Promoting Global Citizenship by Democracy without Borders

Blog by Democracy without Borders

Colm Lehane quotes Narender Modi - Prime Minister of India "Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi referred to the importance of democracy as the critical factor underpinning modern society when he said that “democracy is not just a structure. It is also spirit. It is based on the belief that the needs and aspirations of every human being are equally important”. According to Modi, the idea of electing leaders has been a common feature in ancient India “long before the rest of the world”. 

The Guardian informs 

6.1 Engineers Without Borders Australia

6.2 Engineers without Borders (Canada)

Wiki Pedia informs "Guided by the UN Millennium Development Goals and co-conceived by the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) and the UN Millennium Development Project, Scientists Without Borders first goal is to build a Web portal. The portal's cornerstone will be a database that aims to:

The Web site launched May 12, 2008 and is accepting database submissions.

Scientists Without Borders is a global partnership, led by the New York Academy of Sciences. Organizational partners include the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (Third World Academy of Sciences), Health Sciences Online, The Earth Institute, the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, the University of Ghana, Seeding Labs, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, the Pasteur Institute, Duke University Health System, Science and Development Network, Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, the Sabin Vaccine Institute, Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, the African Centre for Technology Studies, the Science Initiative Group, the Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa, International Foundation for Science, the Nigeria Higher Education Foundation, the American Society for Cell Biology, the Partnership for Quality Medical Donations, Sustainable Sciences Institute, BioMed Central, African Green Revolution Conference, World Academy of Young Scientists,, Millennium Development Goals Monitor, United Nations Development Programme, the INDEPTH Network, American Physiological Society, American Society of Agronomy, Association of Nigerian Physicians in the Americas, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America and Toxipedia."

"The project “Industries without Borders?” was launched as part of the German-Franco Academy for the Industry of the Future as a cooperation between the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Institute Mines-Télécom (IMT) in November 2017. It aims to explore the transformation of contemporary industries and involves sociologists, economists, management and strategy researchers. In contemporary discourse, we can find the imagination that organizational borders are increasingly challenged or dissolved by digitalization. For instance, there is the idea that new digital technologies show the potential to remove barriers between a range of heterogeneous elements, such as production technologies, organizations, innovative activities and products, to name just a few. In this regard, the concept of “the industry of the future” anticipates the hopes and fears related to a more boundaryless industrial production. The project “industries without borders” pays attention to how organizational borders are dissolved or disappearing, but also how they are reinforced or created. While openness is one of the buzzwords of the last decade (keywork: open innovation), this does not mean that boundaries lose their significance in the organization of industries. In a comparative effort, the project is devoted to the development of theoretically informed empirical insights on dynamics of re-organization in contemporary industries."  (Dr.Uli Meyer, Dr. Judith Igelsbock, Dr. Elena Zelesniack)

10.1 The Guardian  on Doctors without Borders

Unipolar World v/s Bipolar World 

Unipolar World v/s Unipolar World with multipolar regions